Hacienda Rio Negro
Coto Brus Region, Costa Rica
Near the Panama border, Hacienda Rio Negro is located in southern Costa Rica, in the Coto Brus growing region.
The farm is adjacent to Parque Internacional La Amistad, the largest forest-protected area in Costa Rica, and is a pillar of sustainable agriculture. The plantation was purchased in 2006 and has been totally renovated. It consists of 1,712 total acres with 703 acres in production.
Coffee is grown between 3,600 ft and 4,125 ft on 700 acres of the 1,700 acre farm
1.4 million shade-grown coffee trees are cultivated by 50 full-time employees
The farm includes 815 acres of natural forest preserve, and 150 acres of reforestation
13 housing units house permanent staff and another 10 housing units are on-site with a capacity for 1000 temporary workers throughout the farm. Additionally, five large seasonal staff quarters provide housing for pickers.
Farm employees have a matching savings fund, low cost loans to assist workers in need, and free onsite preventative medical and dental care. 4 no-cost Daycare facilities and school uniforms are provided for children.
The same environmental practices we employ at Hacienda La Minita such as our minimal use of inputs, fertilization philosophy, our commitment to preserving natural forestland and wildlife corridors, and erosion control practices are also in place at Rio Negro.
In 2001, Hacienda Rio Negro became the first Rainforest Alliance Certified coffee farm in Costa Rica.