Beneficio Tarrazu
Hacienda La Minita, Costa Rica
Located on the Los Santos River, our Beneficio Tarrazu mill uses clean, hydroelectric power generated on the farm.
Awarded the Bandera Ecologica and proclaimed a “protector of the environment” by the government of Costa Rica for its progressive design and operation
Onsite hydropower provides clean electricity to run the mill. In fact, over the course of a calendar year, we are net producers of electricity. Because the mill generates more hydroelectricity than we use, we are able to feed clean energy back into the grid
Water-conserving techniques exceed governmental standards, ensuring health of our watershed systems
Specially designed biomass furnaces provide energy to dry coffee, eliminating the need to cut wood for fuel
In 2009, Beneficio Rio Los Santos was Chain of Custody certified to sell coffee from Rainforest Alliance Certified farms.